

“Weglarz K9 Training has made a world of difference with all four of my dogs! Libby is always so helpful with tips during training sessions and has helped me and my pack be able to safely and confidently hike on and off leash, recall safely at all times and has improved their manners when eating and greeting guests in our home. I truly don’t know what I would have done without her! After board and trains with her my dogs never want to come home, they are constantly enriched and come home better mannered. Her follow-up sessions and “homework” are always extremely helpful and I am so grateful for all she has done to make having four dogs as easy and stress-free as possible!”

-Libby Shepherd


“I cannot praise Libby highly enough for the help she has given us with our rescue dog, Max. When we adopted Max, he was a scatterbrained rescue with no boundaries and very little manners, but with a heart of gold and the sweetest personality. He was a lot of dog and a lot of energy that we knew, without help, would quickly become overwhelming. He first had a week-long board and train with Libby and has since had individual lessons and is now a confident, calm and polite dog. Max went from running wild trying to make friends with every moving creature he could see to calmly walking in a heel, can be trusted to stay in a sit or down in an environment full of distractions and has a (relatively) solid recall. Libby’s training is balanced, fair and fun for everyone and because she tailors the sessions to the individual dogs, Max got exactly the help he needed exactly when he needed it. There is no one else I’d trust with my dog.”

-Kirsty McDonald