
Let’s talk muzzles:

There are so many preconceived views of muzzles.

Going out into public with a dog you’re almost guaranteed to hear at least one “that’s a bad dog” “why are they wearing that” “that dog bites” or something of the sort.
What many people don’t think of-

Maybe the dog eats things off the ground they are highly allergic to?

Maybe they are sensitive and scared around new things and their responsible owner is trying to give them space?

Maybe they are just muzzle training for preemptive purposes (vet, potential future emergencies, etc)? Maybe the dog and owner are working on improving the dogs behavior in a safe and responsible way?

The list goes on.

I am a big believer that EVERY dog should be comfortable in a muzzle. If they ever need to wear one for medical purposes, this will decrease their stress. Imagine being hurt, then having something completely foreign strapped onto your face? I would rather my dogs understand that a muzzle is not a punishment or reason to be stressed.

Muzzles are also amazing tools to help dogs to positively experience things that have made them uncomfortable in the past SAFELY.

There are a million reasons why muzzles are amazing tools- who here has muzzle trained their dog and why? Anyone strongly against them? I would love to hear your opinions. In my experience they can be a life changing tool for many dogs.