Why train your dog?

Since the beginning of the domesticated canine, humans and dogs have had an extraordinary relationship. Over the years, our dogs have become an irreplaceable part of our lives. Personally, my dogs are my very best friends. So why do we owe it to them to train them? Many people think of training as something very formal and structured, and it can be. But what people don’t think about is how we are “training” our dogs any time we interact with them. Our dogs learn from everything we do with them, so we owe it to them to teach them how to communicate with us. What we do and don’t like, so it turn we can have happier lives together. The next time your dog misbehaves, stop and think. Did you ever clearly communicate with them that you do not like what they did? If not, take a step back and start training your dog. Dogs are not inherently good or bad, they are doing the best with the information that has been given to them.